lisa irelandPresident and CEO of the Longevity Science Foundation participated. pharmacy times We discuss longevity and the Livelong Summit, which will be held March 14th and 15th in West Palm Beach, Florida. Ireland is a country with a strong focus on accessibility to longevity research, innovation and interest in this field (particularly around biomarker testing and improving not just lifespan but healthspan), and ownership and a voice in one’s own health. Discuss the growing movement to prioritize patients.
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PT staff: First of all, I would like to ask you, what are you planning to present at this year’s conference?
lisa ireland: I am focusing on a panel discussion surrounding ethics as it relates to the work being done in the field of longevity. And I’m excited to be what I’ll call a “non-scientist interlocutor” in this field. Because I’m not a scientist, I’m someone who works in this field, and I’m really focused on getting all of this great research and longevity out of the lab. And then into everyday life – out of the classroom and into the conversation.
PT staff: Can you share just one or two of the biggest ethical dilemmas happening in the field?
Lisa Ireland: I think what’s important in this field is that we’re always talking about how the work we’re doing is of benefit to the public. One of the problems we have experienced in the longevity debate is that [only] Those who can pay now have access. A longer healthy lifespan is the right of every human being. So we work hard to make sure that all the research we fund, but how does it help the public?
PT staff: On that note, what are some of the latest innovations and medicines being researched for longevity?
Lisa Ireland: There is a lot of conversation about different supplements and medications. I’ll leave the specific answers to these questions to people with medical degrees. Because, after all, they are researching it.
One thing I think is important is the conversation around wearables and your biological (bio) age. Have you ever heard of watch aging? That’s why watches that age are so fascinating. So I know she is 54 years old. I recently celebrated my birthday.know when i was born [and] You can do the math, but what is my biological age? So if you do a biomarker test and find out that I’m 54 years old, but my physical age is 58? , there are some things to do. And how do we understand these two numbers and how do we work with medical professionals? [to] How do you put these numbers together? This is individualized, personalized medicine that helps us all live longer and healthier lives.
PT staff: What are the biomarkers that can determine what your biological age is? And could you explain in a little more detail what this actual biological age is? Do you mean age?
Lisa Ireland: That’s actually what a blood test can tell you…Think of your body as a puzzle, and how each piece of those puzzles fits together. So look at your heart. If the heart is working properly but the lungs are not, the two are not compatible. This is because all parts of the body need to fit together properly in order to function properly.
Another piece that we talk about a lot is that I recently had the opportunity to speak at the Library of Congress and I’m really looking forward to it. [and we] I led a panel discussion on the importance of brain health and neuroart. There’s a lot of work being done in that we have to take care of our bodies, but we also have to take care of our brains.
Again, going back to my original statement that this is a puzzle. If you reach the end of the puzzle and one piece is missing, the puzzle is not complete. The same should apply to your body.
PT staff: Similarly, if you are trying to stay at your biologically appropriate age, or if you are trying to stay (biologically) young as you grow older; [can you explain] Do you have the idea of treating someone throughout their life?
Lisa Ireland: I think it goes back to the first point: “Everything is personalized.” It’s like looking at your life as a journey. People are being careful about going out and drinking more water than sodas and the like. They’re having serious conversations with their doctors and making time for follow-ups instead of saying, “Oh, I have to go for my annual checkup, so I better find a primary care doctor.”Very collaborative with primary care physicians [and] Instead of a calendar stamp that says, “I get a checkup every January,” create a conversation starter that shows that your health care journey is an ongoing one.
PT staff: So, have you noticed that patients are taking their health more into their own hands? This is a big difference, and one that will also impact the way healthcare has to respond to these patients. I am.
Lisa Ireland: absolutely. And while longevity isn’t new, it’s a new topic in many medical schools and plans. Because this is already life changing. Therefore, we need to actively talk about it and get this information out.
PT staff: Longevity has been studied for a long time, and we understand that: [and] Although they clearly wanted to prolong life, this is more of an extension of practice than an entirely new practice, teaching patients and health care providers, “Okay, okay.” In addition to caring for patients in the moment, there are other things you must do to promote longevity. ”
Lisa Ireland: I often hear about life expectancy and healthy life expectancy. These are two different words. So, yes, we want to extend lifespan, but really the focus of the Foundation and a lot of the work that we do in this area is healthspan.
So, if we could change the age and increase the number of years we can live, let’s give an approximate number. Let’s say you can go from the average lifespan of 75 to 90. We want to make sure the extra 15 year olds live. [years] It’s been a fulfilling year.
And in the conversations I have, a new term often comes up: wealth span. And we’re having serious conversations with investors and wealth management professionals about how we’re working to live longer. At the same time, we work to ensure that their work is aligned and that the wealth they invest for their clients also grows. You don’t want to say, “Oh, you planned for her to live to 80, and thanks to science, we let him live to 85. But oops!” That wasn’t my intention. ”
PT staff: I imagine it might be difficult to know how to save it correctly,
Lisa Ireland: right. So we encompass all of these conversations as we plan to live our longest, best lives. We focus on every aspect of what it’s like. I’m lucky that I get to talk to all kinds of people, not just scientists. That’s what’s interesting about this summit is that it’s for everyone. It’s aimed at people who want to live better, who want to know about changing information in a society where people live longer, and it’s really open to the masses, and that’s where we think we’ll find it. think. In a few years.
PT staff: You mentioned that it’s still very siled. So I was wondering, do you have any other ideas for creative ways to start delivering these clinical results to healthcare professionals and pharmacists and people who actually know medicine?
Lisa Ireland: It’s really taking away the opportunity to talk, talk, talk. Th[is] is important, [seeing] The fact that the U.S. Congress just announced a bipartisan caucus on longevity. So the Government recognizes that this is something that we have to give priority attention to.
The more people in the scientific community, the medical community, the patient advocacy field, etc., talk about this issue, the more we can reclaim this issue and create conversations that break down barriers. When a patient comes in and says, “I read this article about longevity and I’d like to talk to you about it,” the conversation begins.
PT staff: I often hear about personalized medicine, but I feel like it’s still a bit of a gray area. How do you figure out what to personalize for yourself?
Lisa Ireland: In personalized medicine, everything we do in research will benefit the public; [it’s important to] Understand how that particular drug or therapy works for an individual.
One size doesn’t fit all, and not all size fits all, so you need to understand what that means and why it matters. I had a doctor’s appointment today, so I took notes beforehand, went to the hospital, and thought, “Let’s talk about this, this, this, this.”
It was an extra 10 or 15 minutes, but it was a great conversation. I left feeling like I had made an individual medicine appointment. I advocated for myself, had all my questions answered, and left saying, “Okay.”
PT staff: Know your body, know yourself, and be curious.
Lisa Ireland:Yes, read and follow up on the research. And if you have a question about something, trust yourself and say: I’ll read up on this. And maybe I’ll read another article so that I don’t take it as if the article I read is the only one I read. ”
PT staff: Is there anything else you would like to add about the conference or longevity science?
Lisa Ireland: This conference is a great opportunity to bring together a wide range of people, from medical professionals to foundation leaders like myself, and you’ll have the opportunity to speak to many interested people.
I’m always worried that the biggest answers to the big medical questions lie in this black hole of not enough funding. So we need to put more money into this research so we don’t have to worry about getting the right answer to something. We didn’t get funding because we didn’t have enough money. I’m really focused on that and I’m always available if anyone wants to talk or if you want to have a conversation with any newbie-ish people that are learning with me in this space. I’m always laughing, “Come learn about longevity with Lisa.” So come with me. Let’s think about it together! ”
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