Last updated: February 6, 2024 10:53 UTC+01:00
Rapid adoption of the latest software updates is something Apple has always prided itself on. This number has always been surprising when compared to the fragmented nature of Android. On Android, most users will be running one or two generations behind the latest release, whereas the majority of Apple users will be running the latest version not too long after the latest release. You’re running software. has been updated.
The fragmented nature of Android isn’t as bad as it used to be, but that’s still the case today thanks to the extraordinary efforts Samsung and Google have made to release updates more quickly in all regions. But Apple has set high adoption benchmarks for itself, and iOS 17 doesn’t seem to meet those benchmarks.
iOS 17 is expected to be adopted on iPhones later than iOS 16.
Apple has released iOS 17 adoption statistics for the first time since the update was released last year. iOS 17 is currently installed on 76% of iPhones since it was made available to all users in September 2023.
Based on numbers provided by Apple, 20% of iPhones released in the past four years are still running iOS 16, while only 4% are running previous versions of the OS. 66% of all active iPhones are running iOS 17 and 23% are running iOS 16.
Apple sees a slight delay in adoption of iOS 17 compared to iOS 16. By the same period, iOS 16 adoption rate was 81% of all iPhones, while iOS 17 adoption rate was 76%. Apple has since released three updates so far, and the reason for the slow adoption has not been specified, even though iOS 17.3 is the latest. The next major update, iOS 17.4, is scheduled to arrive in March.
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